We live stream our in-person worship on Zoom each Sunday at 10:00am Mountain Time. The Zoom link is always the same (see below) and the bulletin and hymns are posted here on Saturday.
- Zoom link for Sunday worship
- Bulletin (order of worship) - All Sundays in Season of Lent (2025)
Readings and hymns are announced and presented during the service.
We hold worship services in person at our church building, including Sunday worship. If you’re not able to be with us in person for health reasons, travel, or mobility, please join us online! Online participants appear on a display in our worship space and you’re welcome to turn your camera on or off. You can chat (text only) with our Zoom usher and other online participants but please keep your audio muted. We offer holy communion to online worship participants. If you wish to join us in holy communion, keep a small amount of bread and wine nearby.
Miss a service? Loved the music? Recordings of all services are posted on our YouTube channel: @allsaintsabq.
Other upcoming events (both online and in-person) are announced in our monthly newsletter and our weekly email bulletin. To receive our weekly email, send a note to office@allsaintsabq.org and ask to be added to our list.